Tag Archives: Artist

What Video Games Can Teach You About Life

Well hello, you. Would you stay a while and listen? Because as someone who’d grown up with video games, I feel that I have an interesting article for…

What Video Games Can Teach You About Life

It’s time to stop asking for free art from commissioning artists!

I’ve been around Facebook and Twitter discussing pet peeves with other creators and have found a peculiar topic that circulated more than most: people who asks for illustrations with either no budget or the promise of % owned from a beginning writer.

Now I’m not bagging on those who are looking for exact partnerships from consenting adults who find interests in ground floor work and if that’s your thing then please disregard me and keep doing your thing, but I am speaking to those chumps that think “artists will come if I give them the promise of currency later”.

People can’t eat I.O.Us, especially from strangers.

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My issue with Artificial Intelligence art/comics and why they aren’t going to break the mold

Good morning, ya’ll! I hope everyone had a good Labor Day weekend and enjoyed the family time (if you had it, I work education.) During my weekend, I learned that people were using AI art programs (Midjourney, Dall-E 2, etc) to publish comic books in the guise of “removing the barrier between artists and writers” and I was astounded at the audacity. Upon reading more into this, every AI generated art work is not allowed to be copywritten so it’s mainly free use so a few people are deciding to abuse this and I’m here to say:


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