Tag Archives: art

What Video Games Can Teach You About Life

Well hello, you. Would you stay a while and listen? Because as someone who’d grown up with video games, I feel that I have an interesting article for…

What Video Games Can Teach You About Life

My issue with Artificial Intelligence art/comics and why they aren’t going to break the mold

Good morning, ya’ll! I hope everyone had a good Labor Day weekend and enjoyed the family time (if you had it, I work education.) During my weekend, I learned that people were using AI art programs (Midjourney, Dall-E 2, etc) to publish comic books in the guise of “removing the barrier between artists and writers” and I was astounded at the audacity. Upon reading more into this, every AI generated art work is not allowed to be copywritten so it’s mainly free use so a few people are deciding to abuse this and I’m here to say:


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The Big Three: Anime That Defined A Generation!

Anime. Who would’ve thought it would have this much mainstream popularity in this day and age, compared to being the underground ‘members-only’ niche…

The Big Three: Anime That Defined A Generation!